Region 4 – Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio
General information on this region:
· Population
o Wisconsin – 5.74 million
o Indiana – 6.57 million
o Michigan – 9.89 million
o Illinois – 12.88 million
o Ohio – 11.57 million
o 46.65 million total
· Major metropolitan centers:
o No population densities over 101 thousand (Green Bay)
o Fort Wayne - 223 thousand
o Detroit – 887 thousand
o Grand Rapids – 194 thousand
o Chicago – 2.84 million
o Akron – 210 thousand
o Cincinnati – 308 thousand
o Cleveland – 452 thousand
o Columbus – 730 thousand
o Toledo – 301 thousand
o 6.15 million total
· Objective:
o About 13% of the entire population of region 4 live in high density areas of 200 thousand or more. These population densities are referred to as “threat areas” and are identified in FIG 1 as threat rings around those areas. The red rings are the high threat areas (25 mile radius around city centers) while the larger outer yellow rings (50 mile radius around city centers) are medium threat areas. It isn’t until you move outside of the threat areas that you can consider your environment relatively safe again. Even then, you must remain vigilant and be aware that a threat can present itself anywhere at any time. The objective of this rally point plan is to move people out of chaotic high population density areas through initial rally points (user-selected points within the threat area) in route to intermediate rally points on public land (local, state or national parks and recreation areas, etc.). Such areas will generally be within 5 days walk from threat areas centers. Intermediate rally points will be outside of populated areas so that the survivors can take more time to prepare for their movement toward their respective final points which are all well outside threat areas.
Initial Rally Points
Initial rally points are inside of the threat areas and are chosen to allow for quick stops for getting organized and as reference points for getting oriented. They are selected by the members that live in that area. The reason for this approach is because people who live and work in the area are going to know it better than any outside planner, what will or will not work as a staging area for their movement through, and eventually away from threat areas. This is a simple matter of looking around the area in advance where you live and do two things:
1- Select a location or locations that meet the description for an initial rally point in this plan
2- Communicate this with individuals that you want to include in your plan and potentially have with you during your movement. Selection of these points is based upon predictable local social reactions under emergency conditions as well as ease of access to allow for temporary safety and short term stops for members to check in, become organized and get any necessary medical attention, and / or distribution of supplies amongst persons in the group.
. When selecting these initial rally points, consider the following:
· Should be public property but can also be private land owned by someone you are familiar with provided you have made prior arrangements to use the property
· Preferred to be near main roads or highways maintaining easy access to egress route(s)
· A potential source for shelter, food and water if necessary
· If public or commercial property consider the following:
o Church parking lots
o Convention center parking lots
o School / sport venue parking lots
· Avoid using any of the following:
o Liquor store parking lots
o Grocery store parking lots
o Convenience store parking lots
o Drug store parking lots
o Sporting goods store lots
o Any area where there may be an increased incidence of looting, robbery, or loitering concentration of dangerous individuals or groups
o Tunnels / underpasses
Initial rally points may or may not be used and can be bypassed to go directly to the intermediate rally points if conditions dictate and resources allow.
Route Entry Points
Route entry points are rally points established outside of the red zones with many outside of the yellow zones. These rally points are established for larger numbers of members to use and to provide the first geographic location where members can expect to link up with others from their threat area.
Threat area 1
Grand Rapids (MI)
Threat Area 1 – Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids is geographically restricted to the west by Lake Michigan and over distance, to the north and the east by Lake Huron, Lake Erie and an international border with Canada. The only viable route out of this area is to the south. Travel to the north with the intent of crossing over to the Upper Peninsula is not recommended. Planning to egress to Canada might seem attractive to some, but there is no way to predict what restrictions will be present at the border crossing point or if the border will be open at all.
Route entry point for threat area 1 – Intersection of US 131 and 142nd St, Dorr, MI
Coordinates for this location are: 42.724841, -85.672276
Final Rally Point for Grand Rapids – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat area 2
Milwaukee (WI)
Threat Area 2 – Milwaukee
Milwaukee is geographically restricted to the east by Lake Michigan. The only route out of this area is to the south. Travel toward the route entry point will require negotiating threat area 4 (Chicago). Initial movement out of the Milwaukee area should be to the south southwest allowing distance around the Chicago threat area.
Route entry point for threat area 2 – Intersection of I-80 and SR 47, Morris, IL
Coordinates for this location are: 41.388754, -88.422267
Final Rally Point for Milwaukee – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat area 3
Detroit (MI)
Threat Area 3 – Detroit
Detroit is restricted to the north by Lake Huron, to the east and south by Lake Erie as well as an international border with Canada to the east and south. Planning to egress to Canada might seem attractive to some, but there is no way to predict what restrictions will be present at the border crossing point or if the border will be open at all.
Route entry point for threat area 3 – Intersection of I-75 and SR 65, Lima, OH
Coordinates for this location are: 40.699023, -84.089933
Final Rally Point for Detroit – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat area 4
Chicago (IL)
Threat Area 4 – Chicago
Chicago is restricted to the east by the southern tip of Lake Michigan.
Route entry point for threat area 4 - Intersection of I-80 and SR 47, Morris, IL
Coordinates for this location are: 41.388754, -88.422267
Final Rally Point for Chicago – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat area 5
Toledo (OH)
Threat Area 5 – Toledo
Toledo is restricted to the north by Lake Huron and Detroit, to the east by Lake Erie as well as an international border with Canada to the east. Planning to egress to Canada might seem attractive to some, but there is no way to predict what restrictions will be present at the border crossing point or if the border will be open at all.
Route entry point for threat area 5 - Intersection of I-75 and SR 65, Lima, OH
Coordinates for this location are: 40.699023, -84.089933
Final Rally Point for Toledo – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat areas 6 and 7
Cleveland (OH) and Akron (OH)
Threat Area 6 and 7 – Cleveland and Akron
Cleveland and Akron are geographically restricted to the north by Lake Erie but are basically open for movement in all other directions. They are close enough together to consider as one threat area. Because of the location of this threat area relative to more than one potential final rally point, this threat area has one primary and two alternate final rally points.
Route entry point for threat areas 6 and 7- Intersection of I-75 and SR 65, Lima, OH
Coordinates for this location are: 40.699023, -84.089933
Final Rally Point for Toledo – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Alternate Final Rally Point 1 – Mt. Pisgah State Park Region 1, Troy, PA
Coordinates for this location are: 41.772858, -76.631342
Alternate Final Rally Point 2 – Monongahela National Forest Region 2, Elkins WV
Coordinates for this location are: 38.929969, -79.814433
Threat area 8
Ft. Wayne (IN)
Threat Area 8 – Ft. Wayne
Ft. Wayne is generally unrestricted in all directions, however travel to the north is not recommended.
Route entry point for threat area 8 – Intersection of I-70 and US 27, Richmond, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 39.872407, -84.888855
Final Rally Point for Ft. Wayne – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Threat area 9
Columbus (OH)
Threat Area 9 – Columbus
Columbus is unrestricted in all directions. Because of the location of this threat area, Columbus has one primary final rally point and one alternate final rally point.
Route entry point for threat area 9 - Intersection of I-70 and US 27, Richmond, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 39.872407, -84.888855
Final Rally Point for Columbus – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975
Alternate Final Rally Point – Monongahela National Forest Region 2, Elkins, WV
Coordinates for this location are: 38.929969, -79.814433
Threat area 10
Cincinnati (OH)
Threat Area 10 – Cincinnati
Due to the close proximity of Cincinnati to the final rally point, this threat area has no route entry point.
Final Rally Point for Cincinnati – Hoosier National Forest, Eckerty, IN
Coordinates for this location are: 38.325030, -86.607975